Drs. Godkar and Prakash Win 2018 Eichler Awards
At the New Jersey Monthly Jersey Choice Top Doctors reception for 2018, Managing Member and host John D. Fanburg presented two New Jersey doctors, Dr. Darshan Godkar and Dr. Atul Prakash with the Burton L. Eichler Award, for outstanding contributions to their communities.
The firm created this award to honor the memory and legacy of Burt Eichler, one of its founders. Burt Eichler was one of the most respected members of the New Jersey Bar and widely regarded as a pioneer in the area of healthcare law. Importantly, he was a man of enormous integrity and he gave tirelessly to his community.
Dr. Godkar, a cardiologist who practices in Cedar Knolls, has devoted significant time and resources to helping people in need in his native India. He, his wife, and his daughter have raised significant funds to help buy braillers and basic amenities for girls and women at a blind school in Mumbai. Another of his endeavors involves providing free surgeries for underprivileged individuals with rheumatic heart disease. Dr. Godkar also contributes funds to a boarding school of 300 orphans and underprivileged children. He has visited the school firsthand to see the great work that’s being done there and he helps to provide the children with sports equipment, books, and food.
As a member of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, Dr. Prakash participates in much of their charitable work both here in the United States and in several countries around the world. A cardiac electrophysiologist based in Clifton, Dr. Prakash’s practice centers around the philosophy that medicine is a privilege, not a business. He sees and treats every patient no matter what insurance they have or if they have none.
Both of these physicians embody the spirit of giving back that that the Eichler Award is all about. We applaud their efforts to share their gifts to improve the lives of those less fortunate. Both doctors were presented with plaques and with $1000 checks made out to the charities of their choice.