NJ Healthcare Market Review 2023 (NJHMR) – Presentations & Photos

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- GENERAL 1: Private Equity and Hospital Transactions: Is there Really a Second Bite at the Apple? Physician Satisfaction Post-Transaction
- GENERAL 2: General: Practice Management Panel of Experts: Hot Topics Relevant to Your Practice
- BREAKOUT A: Real Estate Strategy and How it Impacts the Physician Experience
- BREAKOUT A: Security Breaches, Cyber Liability and Effect on Sale Transactions
- BREAKOUT A: How Much Has Value Based Care Influenced Specialty Dealmaking?
- BREAKOUT B: Physician Burnout
- BREAKOUT B: Medical Spa Anesthetics as Potential Ancillary Growth Vector
- BREAKOUT B: The Current Regulatory and Business Environment Surrounding ASCs
Related Practices: Healthcare Law
Related Attorney: John D. Fanburg, Riza I. Dagli, Keith J. Roberts, Jonathan J. Walzman, Lani M. Dornfeld, Edward Hilzenrath, Shannon Carroll, Joseph M. Gorrell, Richard B. Robins, Carol Grelecki, Edward J. Yun
Related Industry: Healthcare