NJDEP Announces April 20th Deadline for A-901 License Registration for Soil and Fill Recycling Businesses
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (“NJDEP”) announced that businesses conducting soil and fill recyclable material services have until April 20, 2020 to comply with the new law providing additional NJDEP oversight to these activities. The Dirty Dirt Bill was signed by Governor Murphy on January 21, 2020 and requires businesses that do not already have one to obtain an A-901 license. All businesses subject to the new Law must register for the A-901 license by April 20, 2020 as a first step towards compliance. NJDEP’s goal, according to Commissioner Catherine McCabe, is for it, as well as local officials, to be better able to address issues regarding contaminated fill and the businesses who collect, transport, store, purchase, recycle, and sell such fill. In addition to the registration, companies that do not already have an A-901 license must submit an application and a disclosure statement to the Attorney General’s Office (“OAG”) by October 19, 2020 in order to receive the full license. All applications and disclosures will be reviewed by the NJDEP, the OAG, and the New Jersey State Police. Businesses that do not possess a license or which do not register will no longer be able to conduct soil and fill recycling in New Jersey.
Related Practices: Environmental and Land Use
Related Attorney: Lindsay P. Cambron, Frances B. Stella