Each matter handled by Anthony is dependent upon the unique facts and particular circumstances. An example of successful matters handled by Anthony include:
- Multiple jury verdicts in favor of plaintiffs in personal injury lawsuits.
- Successful resolution of numerous business disputes on behalf of large and small business owners.
- Obtained summary judgment of professional negligence claim against attorney.
- $5.8 million personal injury settlement in Queens County, NY of a workplace accident resulting in spinal and knee injuries.
- $1.55 million personal injury settlement in Middlesex County, NJ of an auto accident wrongful death claim.
- $1.5 million personal injury settlement in Morris County, NJ of an auto accident resulting in spinal injuries.
- $1.2 million personal injury settlement in Monmouth County, NJ of a slip and fall case resulting in a traumatic brain injury.
*Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.